Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay about Social Consumerism McDonalds - 2255 Words

BEYOND THE GOLDEN ARCHES: A McDonalds Marketing Breakdown That night in my motel room I did a lot of heavy thinking about what I’d seen during the day. Visions of McDonald’s restaurants dotting crossroads all over the country and world paraded through my brain. (Ray Kroc) Kroc’s aim for McDonalds was far more than fulfilled. Today, it is the leading global food service retailer with 34,000 local restaurants serving nearly 69 million people in 119 countries. There are 3 very important factors that have contributed to this monumental rise of McDonalds over the years: Brand Loyalty, Internationalism and localization and Marketing, It is both intriguing and gainful to delve deeper into each of these core issues†¦show more content†¦With the help of it’s low prices, McDonalds achieves its goal of being cheap, fast and deliciously American food. This brings us to perhaps the most vital aspect of this brand, Promotion. Promotion: McDonalds employs several tactics of marketing to appeal to its multi-cultural consumer base. Advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations and personal selling are but a few of the strategies used. The trick is to maintain its global image while catering to the consumer’s needs as well as the cultural and religious sensitivities of the nation. In East Asia, the marketing teams sought out the demographic and directed it’s marketing towards children and teenagers. India is the land of spices, color and culture. The new McDonalds campaign for the ‘McSpicy burger’ 2013, draws focus to vitality of adding a little ‘spice’ to life. The campaign shows a series of advertisements with comical undertones of defiance and mischief. â€Å"We at McDonald’s always aim to be our customer’s first choice in terms of providing freshness, fun and value - be it in our products, campaigns or any other association with th e brand. (Rameet Arora) Tie-ins are a fail-safe strategy. 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