Friday, June 12, 2020

Gladys Case Study For Occupational Therapy Assistance - 550 Words

Gladys Case Study For Occupational Therapy Assistance (Coursework Sample) Content: Gladys case study for occupational therapy assistanceStudent NameInstitutional AffiliationInstructorDateGladys case study for occupational therapy assistanceAs an 80-year-old widowed woman, Gladys needs to abide by prescribed practice settings to assist her in dealing with the occasional cases of increased falls. The expected length of services and number of sessions depend on the response of the patient to the program administered in assisting her to prevent future risks of falls. The programs that are to aid her include a calcium replacement, occupational and physical therapy home health care which will be important to increase her activity levels and noting the factors of risks surrounding her together with a fall prevention program. The affection notes indicate that Gladys has occasionally suffered cases of falls and injured herself. She could adhere to occupational-based activities sessions and purposeful activities which will assist her in getting through daily duties with a minimal risk factors of falls. The precautions Gladys must adhere to as applicable to medical procedures are endurance, visual compensation strategies, flexibility training, fall recovery techniques, and static and dynamic balance activities.The current functions which are the ADLs include bathing, dressing, functional mobility and toileting. The IADLs to be adhered to by Gladys include community mobility to assist her get through with reduced fear of falling. Identification of hazards that may increase falls in her home is also essential in improving health safety. She can make use of adaptive instruments and modifications of daily routine tasks. Gladys should be able to demonstrate good understanding of the improved home exercise programs which will assist in building tolerance and building bone masses. She should learn and provide returned demonstrations on the new safety methods to stick to incase of falling cases occurring. The occupational-based activities are in tended to improve her daily activities while reducing the risks of falls. Purposeful activities are aimed at assisting her in getting around during her activities. Balance will help her in improving her stability while responding to physical obstacles thus help in preventing falls. Flexibility will help her joints work smoothly, while preventing muscles from getting too tight thus make it easy for her to move around. Endurance is essential as it will assist her in improving blood flow while making her heart and lungs stronger. Strength is important in making her muscles stronger thus while assist her in carrying out the ADLs and IADLs easily.Daily Progress NoteStatus of patient in the first visitGladys has shown signs of increased falls.Progress madeGladys has shown signs of improvement with reduced risks of falls. ...